Group Constitution 


11.1 The management and administration of the finances and affairs of the Group shall unless otherwise specifically provided for herein be vested in the Executive Committee of the Group.

11.2 In addition to the powers and duties vested in the Executive Committee of the Group elsewhere herein and without prejudice to the generality of the powers in Article 11.1 hereof it shall have the following powers and duties:

11.2.1 to appoint any committee or committees for such purpose or purposes as it may consider necessary ; and

11.2.2 to embark on any projects or activities which it may consider to be in the interests of the Group or for the advancement of any of the objects of theGroup; and

11.2.3 to raise funds to be utilized for such purpose or purposes as it may consider necessary and to specify as to what moneys shall be utilized for what purpose; and

11.2.4 to prepare and submit for tabling at each Annual General Meeting an Annual Report for the Year ending the 31st day of December of the previous calendar year; and

11.2.5 to take such action as it may consider necessary to attain the objects of the Group


12.1 The Financial Year of the Group shall be from 1st January to 31st December of each calendar year.

12.2 The Treasurer of the Group shall collect and keep a true and proper account of the finances of the Group and shall maintain the necessary books of accounts for that purpose.

12.3 The funds of the Group shall ordinarily be kept in deposit in a Bank or Banks to be decided upon by the Executive Committee of the Group unless otherwise directed by the Executive Committee of the Group.

12.4 The Bank account of the Group shall be operated by the President or Secretary and the Treasurer of the Group and the Bankers Cheques drawn on the account of the Group shall be signed by the Treasurer and Countersigned by the President or Secretary of the Group.

12.5 The Treasurer of the Group shall prepare and submit to the Executive Committee of the Group a Statement of Accounts in respect of the financial year not less than one week prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting.


13.1 The Annual General Meeting of the Group shall ordinarily be held in the month of January in each year Provided that the Executive Committee may in special circumstances fix the Annual General Meeting for an early date thereafter as is reasonably possible.

13.2 Not less than one weeks notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given to the members of the Group.

13.3 The Agenda of the Annual General Meeting shall include inter alia the following items :

13.3.1 Adoption of the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting; and

13.3.2 Adoption of the accounts for the Financial Year concluded; and

13.3.3 Election of President and other Office Bearers of the Group; and

13.3.4 Resolution of which not less than Fourteen (14) days notice in writing shall have been given by the Secretary.


14.1 A Special General Meeting of the Group shall be summoned by the Secretary of the Group upon a decision of the Executive Committee of the Group or upon a written requisition made by not less than 50 members and stating the purpose for which the meeting is to be summoned.

14.2 Not less than Fourteen (14) days notice of a Special General Meeting shall be given to the members of the Group and the Secretary of the Group shall set out in the .notice the purpose for which such meeting is to be summoned.

14.3 Only the item/s of business set out in the notice shall be transacted at a Special General Meeting.


15.1 The President, or in his absence the Vice President, or in his absence the Immediate Past President or in their absence a member of the Group elected by the members present shall preside at an Annual or Special General Meeting of the Group.

15.2 Voting at an Annual or a Special General Meeting shall ordinarily be by a show of hands and in the event of an equality of votes the matter in issue shall be decided by the casting vote of the person presiding at such meeting.

15.3 Every point of order and the interpretation to be placed upon any Article hereof shall be decided by the person presiding and his decision shall be final and conclusive for the purpose of the meeting.

15.4 The Quorum for an Annual or a Special General Meeting shall be 75

15.5 An Annual or a Special General Meeting which cannot be held for want of a quorum shall be adjourned for a specified date.

15.6 An adjourned Annual or Special General Meeting shall be held on the due date not withstanding the absence of a Quorum.

15.7 The Secretary of the Group shall maintain a separate Minute Book and record therein the proceedings of every Annual or a Special General Meeting.

(C) 2020 RC Group of 86
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